Intro to Web Development

The demand for web developers is widespread across every industry and continues to rise. In this course, students learn how the web works. This course will walk students through the core concepts of web development. They will learn about how the internet and browsers work together to interconnect websites. Also, they will learn about web interactivity, animations, and more, all of which form part of the knowledge it takes to build a web application or website.
This course will cover the building blocks of web development, such as HTML and CSS. By mastering the valuable skills taught in this program, students will be prepared for roles at a wide array of companies, from startups to global organizations.
The projects they will build, and the portfolio they will develop will provide ample evidence of their experience.

This class holds on Mondays from 5pm – 6:15pm.

Start Date 2020-07-06
YearsOld 9-14(Years)
Class Size 5 Seats(Kids)
Class Time 17:00-18:15
Cost $399 (8 Wks)

Students learn the following lessons

  • Content Creation: Students will use Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to set up the structure of a website.
  • Styling: Students will then use CSS to style and organize their webpage.
  • Web Animations: Students create animations, interactive artwork, photograph gallery, and other exciting, artistic projects.
  • Responsive Design: Students will learn how to make their website compatible with all devices ranging from mobile to desktop.
  • Build a Portfolio: Students will learn the importance of curating their creations and organizing them into portfolios for presentation to potential leads.

Rich Computer Language Activities for vocabulary

Children pick up words fast and we understand this so we ensure our instructors act and speak professionally yet simple enough for kids to begin to familiarize the terms in technology very early

This is an online-only class and holds on Mondays from 5 pm – 6:15 pm.

Students are required to provide their computer with internet access and enough bandwidth to support live video streaming. Lesson materials will be delivered electronically while hardware kits ( for engineering courses) will be shipped to the student’s mailing address before the session begins. You will receive further instructions on how to join the sessions after registration.

If you have any questions, please call us on 5717485577.

Reading Skills

Reading Skills

Students learn to read code in the form of visual language and this helps to improve their reading skills overall.

Writing Skills

Writing Skills

Every activity is designed to empower students with the confidence to not only write code but general English writing and also pitching their ideas to others.

Achievement & Points

Early Learner

Creative Coder

Visual Thinker
